MLB Umpires Tim Welke and Andy Fletcher visit with a young patient (Photo courtesy of Bill Greenblatt).
It is only a short 15 minute drive along I-64 from Busch Stadium home of the St. Louis Cardinals, but it might as well be 15,000 miles.
The pediatric oncology wing of the St. Louis Children’s Hospital, looks strikingly similar to hospital wings across the country. Walking these halls, much like the innocent, young children here, one can never fully be prepared for what you are about to experience.
Along with fellow umpires, Tim Welke, Jim Reynolds and Andy Fletcher, we participated in the 62nd hospital visit since the inception of UMPS CARE Charities “Blue for Kids” program. Teaming up with Bristol-Myers Squibb, this visit was one of 12 hospitals that MLB Umpires will visit across the country this year alone. The program’s goal is simply to put a smile on a child’s face.
One of the great additions to the program in recent years has been the participation of the team’s mascots. From Cleveland’s Slider to the Philly Phanatic, these mascots have donated their time and talent to help bring smiles to these children and their families. It is sometimes the most unlikely and spontaneous act that can have the greatest significance and provide a moment of hope and meaning. On this morning, it was Fredbird, the St. Louis Cardinals’ mascot, that did just that.

Fredbird jumped into bed and brought a smile to a young boy and everyone in the room (Photo courtesy of Bill Greenblatt).
One young boy laid silently in his bed, his exhausted small frame and heavy eyes revealed only a portion of the story. Tim Welke had his arms full of Build-A-Bears®, Andy Fletcher’s holding outfits for the bear, and their faces brimming with smiles, was still not enough to bring even a momentary reprieve to this young patient. Welke said, “he was so brave and trying so hard, but you could tell it was really tough for him.” Fredbird was making his way through the hallway, and at that moment he popped his oversized bird-head in the doorway. He bounced into the room and began to interact with the boy. Fredbird worked his magic but he was just unable to get any response and while the boy looked on intently, he was only able to remain motionless in his bed.
A huge smile appeared on the boy’s face and his laughter could not be contained. The boy’s mother, standing nearby, broke into tears of joy for her son.
Sensing the boy’s uneasiness, and with one final effort, Fredbird jumped onto the bed and sprawled out next to him. It was a moment so unexpected that our hearts jumped. A huge smile appeared on the boy’s face and his laughter could not be contained. The boy’s mother, standing nearby, broke into tears of joy for her son.
There is not much use for balls, strikes, safes or outs here. You will not find any of ESPN’s web gems in these prickly confines. But, more importantly, you will find gems of humanity. In the midst of so much pain and despair, the spirits of these tiny bodies bravely light up each room. It gives us a rare glimpse into something far beyond the game of baseball, something not to be seen, but rather felt. It is a hope, perhaps one that can only flow from Calvary.
Our thanks to all of those who have made this program possible, and a special thanks to Fredbird who made one very special boy, very happy.
September 8, 2011 at 12:04 am
@Don Maxwell: so happy that your daughter loves her bear! Hearing about her smile just made my day! Thank you! Mike Di Muro
September 7, 2011 at 11:43 pm
Words alone cannot say thanks enough for what you have done with the kids at St Louis childrens hospital, its really awesome you guys take the time out of your busy life and do these types of things. I was with my daughter that day she received her bear, but terrified of Fred bird, it still brought her spirits up. Just wanted to say thank you again for adding a big smile to her face everytime she goes to bed, her bear in hand, thank you from our family.
September 6, 2011 at 5:15 am
All these great stories and how the umpires and all support this great progam
It wondeful. It brings joy and tears to my eyes each and everytime i read such stories as theses.
September 3, 2011 at 10:47 am
@Sheila and Bob Johnson: thanks so much for your kind words and support. We cannot do it without the help of everyone who contributes to our cause. Thanks!
September 3, 2011 at 7:32 am
Thank you guys for all you do, on the field and off. So many do not understand the life of an umpire, no home-stands, no chance to rest in the dugout and the need to be right on the call and then get better.
We love baseball and you all are such wonderful ambassadors of not only your profession but of the game.